Message: can u name 11 people u can think of right off the top of ur head ?don't read da question underneath until u rite da names of all 11 people .this is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list da name first . NO CHEATING
1. michelle
2. jeanie
3. winnie
4. mark
5. razis
6. christine
7. cheryl
8. rebecca
9. sulastri
10. ronnie
11. eric
how did u meet 10 ?
sec 3B lorhs . always act DUMB : x
wad would u do if u have never met 6 ?
one bestfriend gone !
have you ever seen 4 cry ?
wad will u do if 6 and 2 dated ?
huhs . weird ehs
do u think 1 is pretty ?
yups . shes idiotic too.
tell me smth about number 11
cute ? and erms my childhood friend.
how do u noe 8 ?
primary school and now sec 3B : D
would u ever go on a date wif number 5 ?
diaos : x
wad's 7 favourite colour ?
wad would u do if 2 confessed tt he liked u ?
HELLOS ? i love her ! : D not les ahs.
Fact about 9.
i lovee lovvee her . shes sweet and pretty.
who is 6 goin out wif ?
i know but ZIPS .
who is number 5 to u ?
someone i can get along with .
would u ever live wif 11 ?
no . no
is 2 single ?
yes , she is . I LOVE my mushroom : p
how much does 3 mean to u ?
beloved girlfriend.
wad do u think about 1 ?
pretty , lame . CRAZY like mee.
wads da best thing bout number 8 ?
shes nice to me at times.
wad do u dislike about number 10 ?
SUANING MEEE . u sicko . stop acting DUMB : D
11 ppl tt i wan dem to do .
sorry ! so long lers then do ! : x
1. Single , taken , wating or crushing ?-
2. Are you happy with your life now ?-
okok ouhs.
3. When you meet the right person , will you fall for him/her fast?-
nope , i wont.
4. Have you had your heart broken ?-
yups .
5. Do you believe there are circumstances where cheating love is acceptable ?-
6. Would you talk to someone back if he/she cheats on you ?-
i will . but see if he or she lied to me in purpose or they got reasons.
7. Have you talk to another person about marriage before ?-
8. Do you want children ?-
yes : D
9. How many ?-
two ?
10. Would you consider adoption ?-
yes .
11. If someone likes you right now, what do you think will let you know his/her feelings?-
sometimes i can feel it . but fer now , i guess i will just keep quiet.
12. Do you enjoy getting into relationships ?-
sometimes yes sometines no.
13. Be honest. What did you and your ex did ?-
: x
14. Do you believe in love at first sight ?-
yes , i believe.
15. Are you romantic ?-
i dontknow.
16. Do you believe you can change someone ?-
yups . but depends ouhs.
17. If you could marry somewhere, where would it be ?-
beach . somewhere romantic .
18. Do you easily give in when you're fighting ?-
for the first <3 , i guess i wont . but fer now , i will .. even if im not in wrong .
19. Do you have feelings for someone right now ?-
no .
20. Have you ever wish you could have someone but you messed it up ?-
erms . nopes
21. Have you broken a heart ?-
yes . everyone have bahs.
22. One day if your best friend fall in love with he/she that you are deeply in love with,what would you do -
i will back out .
23. Are you missing someone right now ?-
yes , my girlfriends : DD
i dont feel loved anymore . anymore .. aku want to go out ! : x
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